Untangled Blog

I Give Up!

“I give up!”  How many times have you said these words?  If you’re like me, you’ve thought or spoken these words countless times.

Perhaps you’ve uttered them innocently while trying to complete what should’ve been a simple task that didn’t turn out to be so simple, or perhaps while receiving countless interruptions while trying to complete a given task.  Perhaps while trying to comfort your inconsolable infant or while trying to quell your toddler’s tantrum.  Perhaps while trying to counter the defiant attitude of your prepubescent tween or while trying to impart wisdom and logic to your teenager.  And so many other scenarios where we raise our hands in frustration and resignation.

Then there are times when these three little words are uttered in complete despair.  Perhaps when you’ve been barraged with so many little things that they’ve piled up into a mountainous heap from which you can’t seem to crawl out from underneath.  Perhaps when blindsided with one or more significant events that have shaken the very ground on which you stand.  Or perhaps when an ongoing battle has worn you down to the core and left you with no reserves.

Whatever the circumstance, whether big or small, when we utter these three words, it can mean that we’ve lost hope.  We can really start to believe we’re defeated and start to act like we’re defeated.  We can fall further and further into the pit of despair.  However, the outcome can be completely different if we shift our perspective.  Instead of giving up in a manner in which we’ve lost all hope, we can give up trying to do it all ourselves and allow God to take the reins.

When we depend on our own might, we can find ourselves depleted, but when we depend on God’s might, we can receive replenishment.  So I invite you to join me in saying, “I give up!”  I give up trying to control situations and the outcome.  I give up worry and doubt.  I give up my personal agenda.  I give up selfishness.  I give up self-condemnation.  I give up fear.  I give up my pride.  I give up my own will.  And whatever else we need to give up and give over to God so that we are operating in full dependence on Him.

God has the answers.  God knows what’s best for us.  God has it all under control.  And when we give it all up to God and fully place our trust in Him, instead of losing hope, we can receive hope overflowing.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13 (NIV)

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  • Brenda

    So true! After pinning them to the Cross, we have to learn to leave them there and not take them down and try to fix ourselves! All in God’s timing, not ours. Great writing Chelli!

  • larry young

    I just preached last night about this same thing….. told the people to quit worrying about a problem and give it to God, I told them that I belong to God and if it concerns me ,it concerns Him……therefore it’s not my problem anymore, it’s His, and he can work it out even when it looks impossible…..ALL things are possible through CHRIST

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