Untangled Blog

Let Freedom Ring

It’s been almost a year since my last blog post.  This may come as no surprise to those who follow my blog, as my posting frequency may vary from weeks to months or more.  I’m probably the most irregular blogger in existence … not exactly how you go about developing a following.

But those who follow my blog know that I’m fine with that – I’ve accepted that there is no particular frequency that I need to adhere to; I write as God directs and as I am able, which can vary greatly due to circumstances that I’m faced with in my daily life.  (Refer to prior my blog posts entitled, “When Life Leaves You Breathless” posted on November 12, 2015, and “One Day at a Time” posted on December 14, 2016.)

And I have to say, since I started this blog over 4½ years ago, the circumstances I’ve encountered have been increasingly fierce and intense.

That’s how it goes whenever we step out in faith and engage in efforts that seek to advance the kingdom of God.  Regardless of how big or small of an impact we are making, Satan, the enemy of our souls, will do whatever he can to discourage us and stop us in our tracks.

But God will use those same circumstances to grow our faith and increase our witness if we will allow Him to.

The first year of my blog, I faced the loss of my beloved grandmother, significant health issues, workplace issues, and relationship issues.

I carried on, growing stronger in my resolve and faith in God, but as time went on, the attacks grew stronger and began to extend to those I love dearly, including my husband and my children.

It was as if the enemy saw that he would not be able to deter me by personal attacks, so he advanced his attacks on those I hold dear.

The attacks were relentless, with many occurring in tandem.

Often times I couldn’t help but wonder why the attacks were so immense.  I mean, it’s not like my blog has a huge impact that reaches millions of people or anything.  It’s small.

But the size doesn’t matter.  Whether it’s millions, thousands, hundreds, tens, or even only one, the enemy does not like it.  He will stop at nothing to keep even one soul from being reached.

Actually, when I began writing my blog through the encouragement of some friends, I stated at the time that even if it impacted only one person, it would be worth it.

And God has been faithful to that.  With every single blog that I’ve written, I have received a response from others letting me know that my words had a positive impact on them.  Sometimes I’ve received responses from a few, sometimes many, but always some.

And that has encouraged me to continue writing.

When I relayed this on a prior occasion to one of my friends who was instrumental in my starting the blog, she was thrilled.  She reminded me of my statement when it all began, that it would be worth it if only one person were impacted.  She pointed out how God was using my blog to do more than that, and she went on further to state how God may be using those whom I had impacted to impact even more people.

That’s how God works.  When we step out in faith, He multiplies our efforts.

So I resolved to continue writing, in whatever frequency I was able, trusting in God’s timing.  I committed to never give up unless I felt God releasing me from it.

That was until last year, when the attacks grew so intense that I could no longer carry on.  I actually spoke these words, “Well Satan, you’ve defeated me.  I can’t do this anymore. You’ve finally won.  Congratulations.”

And that’s exactly how I felt.  Completely and utterly defeated.

However, God was still in control, and even though I had surrendered, God had not.

Merely two days later, I began writing again, and I posted a blog a few days after that.

It’s the last blog I’ve posted until this one.  However, because of that last blog post, I knew that God was not releasing me from writing altogether and that I would resume it again one day.

The battles that my family and loved ones have faced since then have been intense, and I really haven’t had the time or energy to write.  But that’s not the main reason I haven’t written during this time.

The main reason is because it was a season of being still and allowing God to work on my behalf and to work in me.  It was a season where I needed to allow God to pour into me and for me to refrain from attempting to pour out.

I, along with my family and loved ones, have experienced much heartache in the past year, but we have also witnessed God’s sovereignty, provision, love, mercy, and grace.

Though the process has been painful, God has made us stronger and drawn us closer together, and in the process He has increased our faith.

And in addition to all that God has done in us, I know that He will use these experiences to work through us to reach others as well.

Actually, we know of some instances where God has already done this, and I trust that He will do so to an even greater degree in the months and years to come.

And a portion of that will be through my writing, starting today. The 4th of July.  Independence Day.

I love the significance of that.  The day God chose for me to break my silence is the day that signifies freedom more than any other day in the history of America.

Ah, sweet freedom.  I can feel it running through my veins.

The freedom to begin speaking again.  The freedom to pour out.  The freedom to be transformed by my pain instead of defined by it.  The freedom to be who God made me to be.  The freedom to love others the way that Jesus does.

The freedom to carry on, and the freedom to begin again.

Let freedom ring.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens … a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak.”  Ecclesiastes 3:1,7 (NIV)

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”  2 Corinthians 3:17 (NIV)

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  • Mom and Dad

    So proud of you for not letting Satan defeat you. Even though you may have felt like he had for a time, God knew you would overcome the trials. Keep up the good work and go forward in the Name above all names. We love you.

  • Brenda

    ❤ I am always excited to read your blog posts. Encouraging words to continue to resist Satan at all times. I feel like I am under attack everyday. I continue to tell Satan to stand behind Jesus! Jesus is my Savior. God bless you always. 🙏

  • Terri

    Every time you write it always touches me. You have an awesome gift and I’m very blessed you have aloud me to join. Satan is always waiting to get us where it hurts most. How do I know this BC I truly believe he was the one in Brandon’s ears/head and was so loud and demeaning that he took him away from me for this I don’t like to use the word HATE but it’s the best word I know to describe the intense dislike I feel. I miss you lots and hopefully this time my reply will work BC in the past it would just disappear maybe user error or Satan himself, regardless I’m determined to not let him rule my life either

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