Untangled Blog

Going Home

They say you can’t go home again.

I beg to differ.

My family and I moved back to my husband’s and my hometown earlier this year, for the first time since the 1990s.  Having lived away for so long and establishing ourselves elsewhere, it wasn’t a decision we made lightly.

We gave it careful and prayerful consideration, and once we were certain it was what God was leading us to do, we took a step of faith into the unknown. 

We weren’t exactly sure why God was calling us to return home at this particular time, but we trusted He had His reasons which would all be revealed in time.

Some of the reasons were readily apparent, including being close to our family who all lived in the area.  Reuniting with old friends.  Our son attending school and playing sports with his cousins – and getting to know some cousins he’d never met before.  And so on.

These blessings were welcomed and certainly have not disappointed.  But as expected, there were reasons unknown, reasons why God had called us home at this particular time, for such a time as this.

Reasons that my family and I would have never imagined.

Reasons that have left us completely awestruck, witnessing God’s perfect timing and placement of everything.  Some of which have left us amazed and humbled, that God would not only allow us to be a part, but that we were the piece of the puzzle that He used to start putting it all together.

But it hasn’t all been pleasant, some of it has been excruciatingly painful, such as me unexpectedly finding myself facing some difficult circumstances from my past.  This was an unwelcomed development at first, but I soon realized it was necessary for healing, not just for me but others as well, and surrendered to the work that God wanted to do.

It’s remarkable how God orchestrates the time and events of our lives, to place us where He needs us at just the right time to accomplish His purposes in our lives and the lives of others, if we will follow His calling.

Sometimes it’s hard for us to comprehend it all with our limited human perspectives and eyes that can only see our immediate surroundings, and we may even find ourselves questioning God and reluctant to follow His lead.

But God sees the big picture.  He knows how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together – the good, the bad and everything in between.

And God is calling us to surrender everything into His capable hands.  To let go of all that weighs us down – our past, our hurts, our hang-ups, our fears, our pride, our desires, our disappointments, our expectations.

To let go of it all, leave the weight of the world behind us and return home – to Him.

To His presence.  His grace.  His purposes.  His grand adventure.

These last few months since returning home have certainly been a whirlwind of adventure for my family.  And while it seemed like a million things were swirling at once and spinning in every different direction, we had the privilege of witnessing the Master puzzle-maker bring all the pieces together to create a beautiful masterpiece.  Arranging time and events as only He could.

Transforming heartache, tears and pain into love, laughter and joy.  Bringing about reconciliation, restoration and redemption.  Renewing passion and restoring peace.

And through it all, we have found some things that we didn’t know we were missing.

Belonging.  Family.  Home.

Yes, they say you can’t go home again.  Well, sometimes you can.

Here’s to going home.

“…Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.”  Esther 4:14 (NKJV)

 “Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness You have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.”  Isaiah 25:1 (NIV)

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  • Larry

    It’s amazing how GOD has all the answers to every single situation we face, and even more amazing how HE can shut doors so that HE can open up other doors that have dreams hidden behind them !!!

  • Terri

    You always say the most perfect things and every since you began this journey blog I can so relate. I miss you soo very much and admire your faith and trust in God. Love ya bunches

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