All That Is Hidden
Untangled Blog

Hope Springs (Part 4) – All That Is Hidden

In my second post of this series (Hope Springs (Part 2) – All This and More), I mentioned that my family’s new home came with some unexpected blessings.

The first of those blessings came from the previous homeowners, whom we met when we initially viewed the property.  In speaking with them, they shared the heartbreaking story of how their young adult son had tragically died in an accident several years prior and how they had moved into this home sometime later, after the memories in their previous home became too much to bear.  This home had been a respite for them, and they now hoped to pass the blessing on. 

We also learned that the homeowners had purchased this property at the same time that our family had relocated elsewhere, unknowing at the time that we would be moving here a couple of years later.  Unknown to us, but known to God.  And with the timing of events, we all agreed that along with the blessings the homeowners had received here, it seemed as if they had also been holding the home for us during this time.

When we completed the final walk-thru at closing of the sale, the homeowners relayed how they had gone through every room in the house and said a prayer of blessing over our family.  In hearing this, I became overcome with emotion.  While choking back tears, I stated that though our family hadn’t been through anything like they had with the loss of their son, we had been through some difficult trials, and I expressed our sincere gratitude for their prayers and told them how much this meant to us.

And those prayers have certainly been felt.  We have received so many blessings during our time here – it has been a healing space, a sanctuary, a safe haven. 

The house is situated on a few acres encircled by woods and wildlife, with a pond in front of the house and abundant flowering plants and trees throughout the property.  It was the beginning of spring when we moved in, and for the next several months, one thing or another was in bloom.  On any given day, we would step outside to find something new sprouting up, sometimes where we didn’t even realize anything was planted. 

Blessings unknown, hidden beneath our very feet, each blossoming in its time.

Even in the most sweltering days of summer, new buds bloomed and thrived – unexpected given the triple-digit Texas temperatures.  No matter the heat, God’s blessings continued to spring forth.

All around us, life was in full bloom from spring until fall, which came with its own splendor, as the numerous trees on the property exploded in a confetti of color.  Massive oaks dotted the skyline with leaves of orange, yellow, and gold, amidst towering pines of green.  And right in the middle of the pond was a cypress tree that dazzled in red-orange.

And as fall came to an end, God continued to reveal glimpses of His glory.  The cypress tree, now void of all foliage, still projected beauty in its barrenness as it extended from the pond’s center like an art form.  And directly behind, the morning sun peeked through the bare woods, illuminating the darkest days of winter and splattering a watercolor canvas across the sky.    

In every season, God’s grace abounded through the beauty of His creationAnd no matter how hectic our days, we made time (even if only for a few minutes) to step outside and take it all in.  And day after day, month after month, God breathed new life into our weary souls. 

And new life brought new hope.  Hope of better things to come.  Hope and faith that all that is hidden will spring forth in due time, like the seedlings that lay secretly germinating in the ground beneath our feet, and we will bloom where God has planted us

“Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven.  The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest.” Psalm 85:11 (NIV)

“I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” Isaiah 45:3 (NIV)

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