The Day After Christmas
Purpose Poems

The Day After Christmas

The day after Christmas
I never have to guess
The state of my house
It’s always a mess

Year after year
What a mess I see
As I awake from slumber
And survey the scene

Stockings that were hung
By the chimney with care
Are now all found empty
Strewn here and there

A tree once surrounded
With presents galore
Now stands alone
In solace once more

Beautiful packages
That were tied up with string
All now opened to reveal
Some of our favorite things

Boxes and giftings
Are all scattered about
No time to put away
As we’d dashed in and out

We had visited our loved ones
Braving the chill
Exchanged gifts and good tidings
And eaten our fill

In unison we’d prayed
To our God so great
For the reason we’d gathered
To celebrate

For no matter what gifts
We’d received large or small
The gift of God’s Son
Was the greatest of all

And for a brief moment
It was as if time stood still
As we’d shared and received
Christmas cheer and goodwill

But the day after Christmas
The reprieve is gone
The day after Christmas
Life must go on

And the mess in my house
Seems to reflect
The messes of life
That must be dealt with

The troubles that existed before
Still remain
The things we’d sat aside
We must return to again

And before my eyes now
There is no denying
There’s much to be cleaned
And sorted and tidied

But before I begin
I pause to reflect
On the reasons my house
Was left in neglect

I think of the love
Of family and friends
I think of the love
Of God without end

All that I must do
And all that I have
Is for all those I love
And all that I am

And all that I am
And all whom I love
Are all gifts given
From my Father above

So as I look around
I feel nothing but blessed
And I think, what a wonderful life
What a beautiful mess

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