God Doesn't Ask for Perfection
Joy Jots

God Doesn’t Ask for Perfection

When I decided to put my songs on YouTube, my initial thought was to re-record each song instead of using the recordings that I had originally shared on Facebook. The original video recordings always began with me speaking, but for YouTube, I wanted just the songs themselves without the speaking parts.

Plus, in the original recordings, there were usually mistakes in the songs such as hitting wrong keys on the keyboard, breaks in my voice, etc. I always just went with it because I wanted what I had spoken to be authentic. But if I were to re-record the songs for YouTube to eliminate the speaking parts, I could also make the songs better – at least free from mistakes.

However, I did have the ability to edit the original video recordings to remove the speaking parts at the beginning, so re-recording the songs wouldn’t be necessary. And as I spent time praying about it, I felt like I needed to post the songs as they were originally recorded.

And ultimately, that’s what I did. I believe the reason God led me in that manner was to keep it true to the mission. My ministry is about being real, honest, and authentic – not hiding behind an illusion of perfection, but openly sharing and humbly offering what God asks of me.

And posting these videos has been a very humbling experience. I have to deny every ounce of my pride each and every time that I do it. And not just because of the mistakes, but because of my limited skills and abilities.

Yet somehow God uses the mess of what I have to offer to reach other people. And this humbles me also – that He chooses to do such through me and my meager offerings.

And here’s the thing – God will do the same through you if you offer Him whatever you have to give. God doesn’t have favorites. He will work through anyone who is willing.

I am living proof. God doesn’t ask for perfection; He simply asks for obedience. Just do what He asks, and leave the rest up to Him.

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