Learn to Sit
Joy Jots

Learn to Sit

Babies don’t come out of the womb running. Before they can run, they have to learn how to walk. Before they can walk, they have to learn how to stand. And before they can stand, they have to learn how to sit.

It’s the same in our spiritual lives. We must learn to sit before we can stand. Then comes the walking and running.

Yet sometimes we try to skip ahead to the running part. No wonder we end up losing our balance and falling flat on our faces.

And if we don’t want to keep loosing our footing, we have to learn to sit. Sit still in God’s presence. Carve space to read God’s Word. Spend time soaking in God’s truths. Linger long enough to hear what God has to say. Draw so close that God’s whisper is heard above all else.

This is what will give us the strength to stand when the time comes. This is what will give us the footing we need to walk out our calling. And this is what will give us the endurance to run the race set before us.

When reading what I wrote above, my husband remarked that our son almost came out of the womb running. I laughed and nodded agreement. If that ain’t the truth!

This kid has kept us on our toes since day one. He never slowed down unless he was sleeping. He was always trying to run ahead. And he fell down plenty of times. But my husband and I kept him in our sights. He might have taken his eyes off us, but our eyes were still on him. And when he fell, we would reach out a hand to pick him back up. We would dust him off and kiss a boo-boo or two, and he’d be off and running again in no time. And he’d be falling again too, but we’d be there to help him up every time.

It’s the same with God. Even when we take our eyes off God, He doesn’t take His eyes off us. When we run ahead and fall down, He will be there to pick us up. And when we take off running and fall down again, He will be there to help us up then too. We just have to take hold of His hand.

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