He Set Me Free (Free Indeed)
Purpose Poems

He Set Me Free (Free Indeed)

He set me free
Yes, He set me free

Gone are the shackles 
Around my feet
He won the battle
What sweet victory

I’m a prisoner no more
I’ve been given the keys
To unlock the door 
Of my captivity 

I once was bound
But no longer shall be
I have now found 
My true identity

My chains are gone
No more to be
I can move on
To my destiny

I can walk, I can run
The race set before me
I can be the one
He made me to be

My hope is secure
In Him I have peace
Oh praise the Lord
For what He did for me

He set me free
I am free indeed

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36 (NIV)

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