You Can’t Thank Away Your Pain
Purpose Poems

You Can’t Thank Away Your Pain

You can’t thank away your pain
You can’t count blessings in vain
But when you call God’s name
Oh what sweet refrain

For when you give Him your cares
And ask Him to meet you there
Your burdens He will bear
And you’ll become aware 

That He always is nearby
To wipe every tear you cry
He’ll sing the sweetest lullaby
Much needed rest He will supply 

As He comforts and sustains you
His strength will see you through
Then He’ll shine His light forth in you 
Revealing things you never knew 

The more you seek, the more you’ll find
The more you’ll know His love in kind
The more you’ll love Him, heart and mind
With Him you’ll want to spend more time

There as you dwell and bow before
Confessing how you need Him more 
You’ll find what you’re looking for 
And praises from your heart will pour 

And in enduring through your plight 
You’ll be given new insight
Into how Christ in His own might
Bore all so you could be made right

Though once strange to hear professed
How through suffering one was blessed 
You’ll now be able to confess
How you understand no less 

For you’ll see in all your hurting
That He saw you deserving 
To be considered worthy 
To join Him in Kingdom serving

Your heart will swell with gratitude 
For how you’ve been changed and made new
God’s peace and joy will be yours too
His light will radiate through you

And through no effort of your own 
Thankfulness from you will flow
As His will you’ve come to know
In His presence faith has grown 

No, you can’t thank away your pain
You can’t count blessings in vain
But when you call God’s name
You will find hope and life again 

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