I Met God on the Bathroom Floor
Purpose Poems

I Met God on the Bathroom Floor

I met God 
On the bathroom floor
In a way I’d never
Known Him before

I’m not sure how
I came to fall
I guess I crumbled
From the weight of it all

And as I lay there 
Fallen down
The cry of my heart 
Was the only sound 

The tile was cool
Beneath my face
And it became
A sacred space

As my heart’s cry
Gave way to tears
Releasing my deep
Hurts and fears

It was then
I realized 
God was there
Right by my side

He didn’t judge
Condemn or shame
He said He understood 
My pain

That what hurt me
Had hurt Him too
That it was good to cry
It was overdue

So I sobbed until
I had no tears left
Then lay there trying
To catch my breath

God remained there 
Next to me
He held me close
And wiped my cheeks

He told me that 
It would be okay
He’d stay beside me
All the way

We then sat there
For a little while
Until I looked up
And saw Him smile

His smile was kind
And reassuring
He looked at me
With eyes enduring

His gaze held mine
So tenderly 
How much I felt
His love for me

And there I came 
To love Him more
Right where He met me
On the bathroom floor

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