Live Courageously
Joy Jots

Live Courageously

I knew when I posted last week about armoring up and standing firm that the attacks would come. And this week, the fiery darts have been flying on multiple fronts.

But I am armored up and standing firm. I won’t be moved. And I won’t be silenced.

The devil has been trying to silence me my whole life, and he was pretty successful for a long time. But more than a decade ago, I finally began to speak up and step into what God was calling me to.

And since then, the attacks have been relentless. Sometimes I wonder why the devil is trying so hard to shut me up … it’s not like my reach goes that far.

But that’s one of his tactics. Getting you to ask yourself, “Is what you’re going through worth it? You’re not even reaching that many people anyway. It would be a whole lot easier to just be quiet and live an easy, comfortable life.”

But as I’ve said before, God doesn’t call us to live comfortably. He calls us to live courageously.

So if God has called you to it, do it. It doesn’t matter if your reach is one million, one thousand, or only one. If God has called you to it, there is someone He’s trying to reach through you.

Is one soul worth it? Well, are you worth it? How about one of your loved ones? I think we all can answer yes to that.

And if God has called you to it, He will see you through it. He will equip you with everything you need, but you have to stay armored up against the enemy’s attacks.

And here is something else I’ve learned. All those fiery darts, those flaming arrows that the enemy is sending your way? If you’re armored up, those flaming arrows won’t take you out. Instead, they will become weapons in your own hands.

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