Don't Miss Jesus
Joy Jots

Don’t Miss Jesus

I guess there are some who aren’t sure what to make of the honesty and transparency of my posts. In my questioning, perhaps some have questioned my faith.

We seem to have this idea that a person of strong faith doesn’t pose such questions. That a person of faith isn’t supposed to doubt, to question, to struggle, or to lament.

Yet some people who are regarded as having great faith in the Bible did just that. People like Abraham, Moses, David, and even Job.

I certainly haven’t been through what Job went through, but the past several years of my life have been marked with trials and hardships. And I have been completely honest about my heartache and heartbreak.

God wants a relationship with each of us – a real, true, authentic relationship. How can you have a relationship like that if you’re not honest with the other person and honest with yourself?

And it is through my honesty, questioning, and seeking that God has met me where I am. It is through allowing myself to feel and lament my pain and suffering that I’ve begun to more fully understand and to more deeply experience God’s love for me. And in the process, I have grown to love Him more.

This past year has truly been the most transformative of my life. I have learned what it really means to abide in Christ. I have come to know Him more intimately than ever before, and it’s my heart’s desire to continue knowing Him more – and to help others know Him.

Not church, not religion, not tradition, but Jesus Himself.

For here is what else I’ve learned – you can go to church your whole life and still miss Jesus.

Maybe this is where you find yourself. Maybe you haven’t met my Jesus. Maybe you haven’t come to know Him the way that I have. Maybe you don’t have a personal relationship with Him.

But you can. He wants a relationship with you. That’s what He wants for all of us.

And if you’re not sure where to start, I can help with that. He’s a personal friend of mine, and I’d be happy to introduce you.

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