Your Whole Heart
Purpose Poems

Your Whole Heart

How can God make your heart whole
If you don’t give Him your whole heart
How can He repair what’s broken
If you don’t give Him every part

All your fears and hopes
Disappointments and delights
Everything that you got wrong
And everything that you got right

Each defeat and triumph
Every loss and every gain
Regrets and satisfactions
Shattered dreams and goals obtained

Failures and successes
Each ounce of shame and pride
Weaknesses and strengths
The bad and good you’ve kept inside

Times of doubt and times of trust
Wandering ways and deep devotion
Tears of lament and songs of praise
Each and every emotion

Whatever makes you smile
Whatever makes you frown
Heartbreaks and jubilations
Every burden and each crown

If you will offer all to Him
Holding nothing back
He’ll respond in kind
Providing everything you lack

For as you lay it all down
At His feet and let it go
He’ll fill the empty spaces
With love that overflows

And as you receive His love
You’ll see from the start
All that was needed to make you whole
Was to give Him your whole heart

“And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 (NASB)

Your Whole Heart
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