Purpose Poems


Oh November
What will your winds bring 
You promise cooler temps
And a time of thanksgiving

But with the falling leaves 
In a season of letting go
Your promises can fall short
As I’ve come to know 

You brought the birth of
My daughter, my first child
But you too brought the death 
Of many loved ones of mine

You brought Friday night lights 
Where my son ran the ball 
But then ambulance lights
And many hospital walls

You’ve left my heart leaping
And you’ve left my heart aching
With miracles realized
And miracles forsaken

You’ve been a life-maker
And a life-taker 
You’ve been a celebrator
And a heartbreaker 

You’ve brought it all, November 
Both sunshine and rain 
Delight and distress
Great joy and great pain

So what shall I call you
Are you friend or foe
For you’ve proven to be
A little bit of both

But there is one 
Who has proven true 
As a friend of mine
He always comes through

His name is Jesus
And He’s always ready
To stand by my side 
He is trustworthy and steady 

And whichever way 
The November winds blow
I can trust He will hold me
And never let go

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