Christmas Without You
Life Songs

Christmas Without You

Christmas Without You – Recorded 12/10/23 | Lyrics & Music by Chelli Morrison

Copyright © 2023 Chelli Morrison All Rights Reserved.

Verse 1
Christmas won’t be the same without you
When I lost you, I lost part of me too
The carolers are singing
Christmas bells are ringing
Yet I still feel the stinging 
Of life without you

But I wouldn’t want to bring you back
To a world of pain
I wouldn’t want to bring you back
To suffer more of the same 

For I know that you’ve been healed
And made whole, you’ve been restored
Still my heart can’t help but feel
An ache since you’re here no more 

But thank God I have this hope
To again one day see your face
In Heaven where you and Jesus
Are saving me a place

Verse 2
No stocking to be hung for you this year
No presents to be wrapped for you with cheer
Christmas music fills the air 
Tinsel and lights are everywhere
Yet the season still feels bare
Without you here 

But I wouldn’t want to bring you back
To a world of pain
I wouldn’t want to bring you back
To suffer more of the same 

For I know that you’ve been healed
And made whole, you’ve been restored
Still my heart can’t help but feel
An ache since you’re here no more 

But thank God I have this hope
To again one day see your face
In Heaven where you and Jesus
Are saving me a place

Silver and gold adorning every 
Christmas tree 
Down here               
Don’t compare to streets of gold 
You’re walking on 
Up there

And I wouldn’t want to bring you back
To a world of pain
I wouldn’t want to bring you back
To suffer more of the same 

For I know that you’ve been healed
And made whole, you’ve been restored
Still my heart can’t help but feel
An ache since you’re here no more 

But thank God I have this hope
To again one day see your face
In Heaven where you and Jesus
Are saving me a place

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” John 14:1-4 (NIV)

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