A Prayer When You Don't Know the Way Ahead
Breath Prayers

A Prayer When You Don’t Know the Way Ahead

Dear loving, kind, and patient Father. All-knowing and all-seeing. You know the way ahead when I do not. You see the path forward when I cannot. 

And You lead me one step at a time.

But sometimes I grow impatient. I don’t want to wait for You. I want to know the way in advance. I want to see where the path leads. I want to run ahead. 

I want to arrive already. Like a little child I keep asking, “Are we there yet?” And You keep telling me to be patient. 

Sometimes I even try to tell You the way to go. And You tell me that You know the best way and to leave the navigating to You. 

Other times I grow weary from the journey. The bumps in the road. The twists and turns. The detours and delays. And You tell me to rest, even when I don’t want to.

And on the journey, You provide for my every need. You reassure me that You will never leave my side. 

You remind me that Your eyes are on me and the way ahead. And I simply need to keep my eyes on You.

Thank You for reminding me and reassuring me. Thank You for leading me. 

And thank You for being patient with me, even when I grow impatient with You.

In Jesus’ name,

“The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
    I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8 (NLT)

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