Dear Jesus, Tell Daddy I Love Him
Life Songs

Dear Jesus, Tell Daddy I Love Him

Dear Jesus, Tell Daddy I Love Him – Recorded 4/17/24 | Lyrics & Music by Chelli Morrison

Copyright © 2024 Chelli Morrison All Rights Reserved.

Verse 1
Dear Jesus
Can you tell my daddy that I miss him
Life is not the same down here without him
He made this world a better place

Dear Jesus
Can you tell my daddy that I love him
That I am always thinking of him
How I long to again see his face

But I know
He’s dancing on streets of gold
Adorned with a crown and royal robe
His smile has returned again

Oh yes, I know
He has received his reward
For his faithful service to You, Lord
And one day I’ll see him again

But until then, Jesus
Tell my daddy that I love him

Verse 2
Dear Jesus
Can you tell my daddy that I’m doing
My part to keep his legacy going
Of making Your great name known

And the promise
You gave him when You said that his ending
Would be greater than his beginning
Through generations will carry on

And I know
He’s dancing on streets of gold
Adorned with a crown and royal robe
His smile has returned again

Oh yes, I know
He has received his reward
For his faithful service to You, Lord
And one day I’ll see him again

But until then, Jesus
Tell my daddy that I love him

For many years I watched him live
Through pain and suffering
So I can’t say I’d wish him back here
In the state he was in

Still my mind goes back to
The man he was before
The life he lived and the love he gave
Makes me miss him all the more

It’s like grieving two deaths
The man I lost years ago
And the man whose presence is now gone

But I know
He’s dancing on streets of gold
Adorned with a crown and royal robe
His smile has returned again

Oh yes, I know
He has received his reward
For his faithful service to You, Lord
And one day I’ll see him again

But until then, Jesus
Tell my daddy that I love him

Dear Jesus
Tell Daddy I love him
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