Seek and You Will Find
Life Songs

Seek and You Will Find

Seek and You Will Find – Recorded 7/29/24 | Lyrics & Music by Chelli Morrison

Copyright © 2024 Chelli Morrison All Rights Reserved.

Verse 1
So much to do
But this pace is killing you
Pause and find rest
With God in the quietness

For God says

Seek and you will find Me
When You seek with all your heart
I’ll reveal Myself to you
I’m right here where you are

I am near, I see you
And I’m just waiting
For you to see Me too

Verse 2
Slow down, take time
Be still heart and mind
Breathe in, breathe out
See God’s beauty all around

For God says

Seek and you will find Me
When You seek with all your heart
I’ll reveal Myself to you
I’m right here where you are

I am near, I see you
And I’m just waiting
For you to see Me too

God, all creation
Reveals Your majesty
From the highest mountain
To the depths of the sea

The sky above
And the earth below
Sing Your praises
And tell us all we need to know

You’re in the wind, the rain, the sun
The moon and all the stars
The heavens declare Your glory
And speak of who You are

And You say

Seek and you will find Me
When You seek with all your heart
I’ll reveal Myself to you
I’m right here where you are

I am near, I see you
And I’m just waiting
For you to see Me too
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