Untangled Blog

Peace in the Storm

I frequently travel by plane for business.  During one particular flight last year, as we were close to reaching our destination, we encountered a storm that brought about some heavy turbulence.  Out of the numerous flights I had flown over the years, this was the most significant and prolonged period of turbulence I had ever experienced. 

I was sitting in a window seat and amidst the turbulence was attempting to brace myself by placing one hand on the side of the plane and the other hand on the seat in front of me.  My efforts were futile.  The other passengers and I were tossed about and popped up and down in our seats repeatedly, and only our safety belts were keeping us from being slung out of our seats.  When the pilot asks you to fasten your safety belt, you best listen!

The storm became so powerful that it required the pilot to alter our route to steer around it as much as possible.  The turbulence continued for some time, and as it wore on, I started to be overcome with nausea.  Just when I thought I might have to reach for the barf bag in the seat pocket, I looked out my window.  I could easily see the wing of the plane from my viewpoint, and I was awestruck by the steadiness of the wing and how it appeared motionless.  With the storm swirling about, it seemed as if the plane was sitting still in the sky.  I had peace in knowing I was secure inside the plane, and I trusted that the pilot was successfully plotting our course and steering us safely to our destination.

It struck me at that moment that this is how it is with God.  When the storms of life rage around us, He is steady and unwavering.  He shields us and he keeps us safe and secure in His hands.  Though there may be bumps and jolts and unexpected changes in course, God will steer us through and ensure we arrive at our intended destination if we place our trust in Him.

And when we fully put our trust in God, we can experience peace in the storm.  I have a plaque hanging in my house that states, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass … it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”  This is something that God has really been driving home in my life.  He has shown me that while I may not be able to change my circumstances, I have a choice in how I respond to my circumstances which has a direct effect on whether or not I remain in peace.

God has given us His peace through the Holy Spirit, but it’s not just a feeling that comes over us.  We have to choose to walk in the peace we’ve been given.  We have a choice to respond in our own might or to surrender to the Spirit.  We can choose to try to control things or to release matters to God.  We can wrestle with worry and doubt, or we can trust God and rest in knowing He is sovereign and in control.

Peace is more than a feeling; peace is a choice.  What will you choose today?

 “The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.” – Romans 8:6 (NIV)

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