Untangled Blog

Lost and Found

Have you ever been lost, literally or figuratively speaking?

I have experienced both, and it can be terrifying and paralyzing.

One of my most memorable moments occurred when I was a young girl.  My family lived in the country at the time, in an unnamed territory sandwiched between the boundaries of two small communities.  Our home was located on a few acres of land that backed up to numerous acres of woods.

My mom gave me strict instructions to never go into the woods unaccompanied by an adult or older sibling who had learned how to navigate their way through the woods.  She warned that it would be easy for me to lose my sense of direction and get lost.

For the most part, I was afraid of those woods and never thought about going into them on my own.  But one day, adventure called, and I couldn’t resist its temptation.  Despite all of my mom’s prior warnings, I convinced myself that I would be able to find my way back, and I ventured into the woods accompanied only by my dog, Shags.

I soon learned that I didn’t have to venture very far into the woods to get lost.  Within a short time, I was already turned around.  I tried to head back home but couldn’t find my way.  One turn after another just led to more trees, and home was nowhere in sight.

Realizing I was lost, I began to panic.  My heart raced, and tears began to stream down my face.  I cried and screamed, but no one heard me.  And the more I tried to find my way out, the more lost I became.

I knew my family would be getting worried and start looking for me if I didn’t come home soon.  But would they find me, and if so, how long would it take them?  Would I survive until then without food and water?  Would I be spared from attacks by wolves, coyotes, or other wild animals that lived in these woods?  I felt so scared and hopeless.

Thankfully Shags had stayed by my side the whole time, so I wasn’t completely alone, but I was still feeling pretty lonely.  I felt completely engulfed by the woods.  I gave up trying to find my way out and sat down on the ground in despair.

Soon afterwards, Shags became restless.  He started walking but then stopped to look back at me, and when I didn’t move, he returned to my side.

Shags then repeated this pattern and continued to do so until I began to wonder if he was trying to get me to follow him.  And then it hit me.  Shags knew the way home!  Perhaps that was what he was trying to tell me.  So I decided to follow Shags, hoping and praying that he would lead me home.

As we walked, the woods started to thin out, and the light began to lead the way.  And then I saw what I was longing for through a clearing in the distance.  Home!

What a beautiful sight to behold!  I had never been so happy to see home in my life.  A giant wave of relief washed over me, and excitement bubbled up inside me and rose to the surface as my walk turned into a sprint.  I ran the rest of the way home, with Shags running right alongside me.

Good ol’ Shags!  Thank God for that dog who very possibly saved my life.  I had a newfound love for Shags from that day forward.  And from that point on, I also paid more attention to my mom’s instructions and heeded her warnings a little more closely.

Unfortunately, I didn’t do the same with God.  I have certainly ended up lost more than a few times along life’s journey because I didn’t follow God’s guidance or ignored His warning signs.  Whether following my own sense of independence or lured by temptation, I have often ventured out thinking I could find my own way, only to end up lost from a series of bad decisions and wrong turns.  And sometimes the more I tried to get myself out of a situation, the more engulfed in it I became.

At other times I have veered off course without even realizing it, preoccupied with daily distractions and busyness, until one day I find myself stopping to look around and wondering, “How did I get here?”

Still other times, even when seeking to follow God’s will, I’ve found myself lost in a myriad of ways.  Lost in my circumstances.  Lost in my expectations.  Lost in my insecurities.  Lost in my emotions.

But like my dog, Shags, never left my side that day I was lost in the woods, God has never left my side regardless of where or how I’ve become lost.  God won’t leave your side either.  He promises to never forsake us.  God knows the way home and keeps prompting us to follow Him.

And when we follow God’s lead, He doesn’t just lead us back to where we started.  Rather He leads us on a path of discovery where we have the opportunity to see things in a new light, gain new perspectives, and possibly gain a new appreciation for things that we previously took for granted.  We may learn things about ourselves that we didn’t know, both good and bad, and grow in our character and our faith.  And our relationship with God will have the opportunity to grow into one of deeper love and trust.

So if you’re feeling lost, take heart.  God is by your side.  Be still and fix your eyes on Him.  Focus on what He is trying to tell you.  Trust Him.  Follow Him.  He will light the way and lead you home.  And what a beautiful site it will be.

“Those who know Your name trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.” Psalm 9:10 (NIV)

When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12 (NIV)

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