Joy Jots

As noted on the Life Songs and Purpose Poems pages, when I started my blog in 2014 and created this website to house it, I had no idea that this would lead me to writing songs in 2021 and poems in 2022.  It also led me to begin dabbling in graphic design and creating graphics of my own, which I began posting on my Facebook page in January 2023, many accompanied by short writings.  'Jottings' is the term I call these graphics and accompanying writings, or 'jots' for short. And I have now created this Joy Jots category on my website to house these in one central location.

The “joy” part of the name comes from my tagline. When I first started my blog back in 2014, my tagline was “Finding joy and purpose in everyday living.” As noted on the What I’m All About page, that is still my tagline, but it has much more meaning to me now. Through suffering, seeking, and surrender, I have learned how to truly abide in Jesus and find my joy in Him.

These jots are a reflection of that - thus Joy Jots. And I pray that in some way they will inspire you to find your joy in Him too.

  • Be Still
    Joy Jots

    Be Still

    Sometimes it’s hard to keep going when you can’t see light at tunnel’s end. But you’re on this train ride nonetheless. Surely it can’t be much longer before you emerge from this tunnel into the light of day. And finally, you start to see it – the light just up ahead. Oh thank God, you’re almost there. But just when it’s within reach, a rockslide comes out of nowhere and blocks your exit. You’re forced to take a detour. Your spirits that had been raised become suddenly deflated. And it doesn’t happen just once, but over and over again. You‘re forced to take detour after detour, until your destination is…

  • Live Courageously
    Joy Jots

    Live Courageously

    I knew when I posted last week about armoring up and standing firm that the attacks would come. And this week, the fiery darts have been flying on multiple fronts. But I am armored up and standing firm. I won’t be moved. And I won’t be silenced. The devil has been trying to silence me my whole life, and he was pretty successful for a long time. But more than a decade ago, I finally began to speak up and step into what God was calling me to. And since then, the attacks have been relentless. Sometimes I wonder why the devil is trying so hard to shut me up…

  • Armor Up
    Joy Jots

    Armor Up

    When it feels like all hell is breaking loose and the forces of hell are coming against you, remember to armor up. You cannot withstand the forces of hell through your own might. But the forces of hell cannot withstand your mighty God. So put on the full armor of God, and take your stand. Because when you’re armored up, nothing can stand against you. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,…

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