A Matter of Choice
A few years ago, I found myself a repeated bird’s-eye target. The first occasion happened while my family and I were attending a baseball game. It was a hot and humid summer’s eve, and I had a cold drink in hand to quench my thirst. As I paused between sips, my beverage suddenly splashed, and I looked down to discover that my cup had become a makeshift port-a-potty for a bird flying above. “Yuck, new drink please!”
Beauty from Ashes
Something unexpected happened after one of my earlier blog posts this year. I received a text from my daughter, Lexi, that said, “Good stuff! Glad you found time to start writing again. I think that one is the best one you’ve done, at least for me to relate to.” As I read Lexi’s text, my heart melted, and my eyes welled up with tears. You see, it’s not just because Lexi is my daughter that her words meant so much, it’s because of what Lexi has been through, what we have been through together, the last few years.
Run With It
“Go Landry! Go Landry! Run! Run! Push it! Push it!” Landry is my 7th grade son, participating in track for the first time, and these were the words that the other fans and I cheered out as Landry competed in his first few races the past couple of weeks. These are not words that Landry is accustomed to hearing.
To Be Loved
February has always been one of my favorite months. Perhaps I’m a bit partial to it because it’s my birth month. And like me, February is a little bit different and quirky, with its 28 days compared to other months’ 30-31 days, and with the added oddity of having 29 days every four years. But the main reason I’m partial to February is because it’s the month of love, being the home to Valentine’s Day and all things sweet and sentimental. It’s a time where we make a point to spread a little love to our friends and family.
Be the Difference
Have you noticed how many people seem to get offended so easily nowadays? It’s like everyone wears their feelings on their sleeves just waiting for someone to offend them. And we walk around on eggshells afraid of doing or saying something that might hurt someone else’s feelings.
Resolve Something More
It’s the beginning of a new year. Like many others, perhaps you have settled on one or more new year’s resolutions … exercise more, eat healthier, get organized, get out of debt, hone a skill, learn something new, etc. These resolutions and many others are all worthwhile and are great goals to strive for. However, I can’t help but notice, though all of these resolutions are different, they have one thing in common.
One Day at a Time
Do you ever find that you start things that you don’t finish? Do you ever find yourself pursuing something that doesn’t quite turn out as you had planned, and you wonder if you should even bother? Well just because things don’t play out the way we thought they would doesn’t mean that we are to let go of the vision. Perhaps we are just to let go of our expectations of how things will unfold.
It’s a Black and White Issue
I haven’t posted a blog in several months because my family has had quite a lot going on during this time. But after the events that have unfolded this week in my beloved country, beloved state, and beloved city, I cannot stay silent. I am grief-stricken, and I am compelled to give voice to the silent cries of my heart.
When Life Leaves You Breathless
It’s been awhile since my last blog post, almost 7 months actually. It’s not that I’ve had nothing to write about nor lacked the motivation to do so, it’s just that life has left me, well, breathless.
Lost and Found
Have you ever been lost, literally or figuratively speaking? I have experienced both, and it can be terrifying and paralyzing. One of my most memorable moments occurred when I was a young girl. My family lived in the country at the time, in an unnamed territory sandwiched between the boundaries of two small communities. Our home was located on a few acres of land that backed up to numerous acres of woods. My mom gave me strict instructions to never go into the woods unaccompanied by an adult or older sibling who had learned how to navigate their way through the woods. She warned that it would be easy for…