Don’t Hide Your Light
In a world full of darkness, the smallest light can make the biggest difference. So don’t hide your light just because you think it doesn’t shine bright enough. Be like the firefly, and shine on. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (NKJV)
Leaving Normal Behind
My life left normal a long time ago, I had no choice for it to be so, I tried to hang on but was forced to let go of the life I had come to love and know ...
Learn to Sit
Babies don’t come out of the womb running. Before they can run, they have to learn how to walk. Before they can walk, they have to learn how to stand. And before they can stand, they have to learn how to sit. It’s the same in our spiritual lives. We must learn to sit before we can stand. Then comes the walking and running. Yet sometimes we try to skip ahead to the running part. No wonder we end up losing our balance and falling flat on our faces. And if we don’t want to keep loosing our footing, we have to learn to sit. Sit still in God’s presence.…
When Mother’s Day Is Hard
For the mom you never knew, or with whom times were too few, the mom who wasn’t there for you. The mom whose life was way too short, who too soon left this world, and left your heart longing for more ...
Listen to Mama
The post I made yesterday got me to thinking about things moms say to their kids, aka momisms. As I thought about the various momisms, I realized how many of them deal with listening. I’m sure a lot (if not all) of these will sound familiar: – What did I say? – What part of NO don’t you understand? – What did I say the FIRST time? – If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times. – How many times do I have to tell you? – I’m not going to tell you again. – Do I make myself clear? – Do you hear me? – It’s…
Just Believe
Have you ever felt like others were receiving miracles while you were left waiting? And perhaps while you were waiting, the time passed for what you were hoping for, and it died. I can relate. And as I was reading Mark 5:21-43 recently, I thought perhaps that’s how Jairus felt too. Jairus’ daughter was gravely ill. He went to see Jesus and asked Jesus to come home with him to heal his daughter. Jesus agreed and went with Jairus. But as they traveled, a large crowd followed and pressed around Jesus. A woman was in the crowd who had suffered greatly for 12 years. She knew if she could just…
Take It All
Take It All - Recorded with Revised Music 5/4/23 (Originally Recorded 2/4/22) | Lyrics & Music by Chelli Morrison | Copyright © 2023 Chelli Morrison All Rights Reserved. (Click 'Read More' button below for song.)
A Prayer for Healing
Father, so many of my friends and loved ones, as well as I, are in need of healing. So I come before You and request healing for all...
Better Than Normal
I was recently asked how I was doing and if I was getting back to normal. I replied, “I don’t think I’ll ever be back to normal. I’m going to be better than normal. Normal is overrated.” It’s not just something I said. My life has been anything but normal for the past several years. I know we all experienced this to varying degrees after 2020 rolled around, but my life had left normal even before that. And increasingly so every year since. Many times I found myself longing for a sense of normalcy. I didn’t think that was too much to ask – just normal, everyday things that many…
In the Name of Jesus
In the name of Jesus, I reject fear, get out, get out, you have no place here. In the name of Jesus, I reject strife, get out, get out, you have no say in my life ...